How to change your Themes in Prism Launcher

Themes can help you spice up your launcher appearance.

Themes Downloads

Prism Themes Repository


BD Blue
Breeze Dark
Catppuccin Frappe
Catppuccin Latte
Catppuccin Macchiato
Catppuccin Mocha
Deep Dark
Everforest Dark Hard
Everforest Medium
Fluent Dark
Mod Labyrinth Dark
Mod Labyrinth Mixed
Mod Labyrinth Pale
Nord Polar Night
Nord Snow Storm
Rangoon Lightning
Scarlett Pink
Solarized Dark
Steam Classic
Tokyo Night

Icons packs

Fluent Dark Icons
Twemoji Icon Pack

How to install Themes & Icons

Here are the instructions to get your themes & icons up and working.

Make sure you are using Prism Launcher 6.0 or later


  • Download a theme above and copy the zip file to your Themes Directory.

    • Open your local Prism Launcher Themes folder:

      • on Windows: %appdata%\PrismLauncher\themes

      • on Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher/themes

      • on Linux: ~/.local/share/PrismLauncher/themes

      • on Flatpak: ~/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher/themes

  • Unzip the newly downloaded theme in the themes folder.

  • Restart Prism Launcher, then open the global settings. In the Launcher section, click the User Interface tab, and under Widgets (make sure you're changing Widgets and not Icons), choose the newly added theme. Click the Close button, and enjoy your fresh new Prism Launcher.

Icons Pack

  • Download a Icons pack above and copy the zip file to your Prism Launcher Directory

    • Open your local Prism Launcher Directory:

      • on Windows: %appdata%\PrismLauncher

      • on Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/PrismLauncher

      • on Linux: ~/.local/share/PrismLauncher

      • on Flatpak: ~/.var/app/org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher/data/PrismLauncher

  • Extract the contents of the zip into the iconthemes folder (if the folder doesn't exist do this next step).

    • In the PrismLauncher folder, create a new folder named iconthemes (you should only have to do this once).
  • Restart Prism Launcher, then open the global settings. In the Launcher section, click the User Interface tab, and under Icons (make sure you're changing Icons and not Widgets), choose the Custom icons. Click the Close button, and enjoy your new icons.

Submitting Themes

  • Fork the PrismLauncher/Themes repository.

  • Create a folder in the themes folder named after your theme name (Example: Rainbow-Cake).

    • In this newly created folder add files named, theme.json, themeStyle.css and theme.json.license.

      • In theme.json.license add the text below, and replace "Year" with the current year, replace "Theme Owner" with the theme creator nickname, "License name" with the license of your theme.
      SPDX-FileCopyrightText: "Year" "Theme owner"
      SPDX-License-Identifier: "License SPDX Identifier"
      • (Note: theme.json and themeStyle.css are the files that contain your theme.)

      • Format your just like this Template Readme and replace every text between a " like "This" with their respective use.

    • Add a screenshot of your theme and rename it to preview.png.

      • Then create a file named preview.png.license and add the text below, and replace "Year" and Screenshot owner" with their respective use.
      SPDX-FileCopyrightText: "Year" "Screenshot owner"
      SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
  • Verify that you did everything correctly, if you did please proceed to the next and last step.

  • Make sure to ensure REUSE compliance learn more at

  • Now you can open a Pull Request, and we will add your theme as fast as possible to the repository and website.

Submitting Icons

  • Fork the PrismLauncher/Themes repository.

  • Create a folder in the icons folder named after your theme name (Example: Twemoji).

    • In this newly created folder add files named, index.theme, index.theme.license and a folder named scalable containing the .svgs of your icons.

      • In index.theme.license add the text below, and replace "Year" with the current year, replace "Theme Owner" with the theme creator nickname, "License name" with the license of your theme.
      SPDX-FileCopyrightText: "Year" "Theme owner"
      SPDX-License-Identifier: "License SPDX Identifier"
      • (Note: index.theme is the file that contains your icon data.)

      • Format your just like this Template Readme and replace every text between a " like "This" with their respective use.

    • Add a screenshot of your theme and rename it to preview.png.

      • Then create a file named preview.png.license and add the text below, and replace "Year" and Screenshot owner" with their respective use.
      SPDX-FileCopyrightText: "Year" "Screenshot owner"
      SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
  • Verify that you did everything correctly, if you did please proceed to the next and last step.

  • Make sure to ensure REUSE compliance learn more at

  • Now you can open a Pull Request, and we will add your theme as fast as possible to the repository and website.

Pages in Getting Started: